
Amazon wellness

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Intolerable ...but live with it

Surrounded every minute by a high dose of news through our brothers in the news media mostly TV, there is very little time for knowledge digestion. It's only constipation ! Some of the insignificant news gets blown up, displacing the vital ones. The mad run for supremacy by the news channels each one being backed by political parties, they blow their trumpets defeaning the ears of every citizen. It intolerable...stop it ! one would say, but who will do it ? But one can't switch off everything ....! it has become a part of us like the trillions of virus...housed inside our pathology..The front page with big models who pose for real estate ads, not knowing that they rarely fit into it..,! 

Friday, November 20, 2020

Take stock of the situation !

Today's news is interesting. Trump is still not willing to yield, and still harping on what he thinks about the possible conspiracy in the US elections. It's funny. Anyway it is not our problem. Our news media seems to waste it's time on matters not relevant to our country ! We have to take stock of the situation here in India and try to handle it the way it has to be. Our prices bother us more and have to cry every time to let loose our emotions. There is no choice. Handling the media hype...takes out our energy so much that we get lost, and stumble and fall down and get up. 

Friday, November 13, 2020

Be careful...somebody is tampering with your uniqueness

Everyone should carry the pride of being unique ! Our frequent comparison to others puts us down. Individuality is a wonderful trait created by God. Our physiological and psychological traits are unique to an individual. Surprisingly our modern medical world is shut off from this truth and push us into their world of dominance. For example they had created some health related parameters and expect our body to obey them. Oh what a foolish thinking it is. In no time they can make you a patient ! Their dominance has put the whole humanity under stress and our uniqueness is tampered with...

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Be Conscious

Get driven by conscious thoughts. Because you need to be highly conscious about your actions. Unlike the  animal kingdom, we humans have more responsibility. The world around is changing every nano second. Don't be lethargic. But never get alarmed by the ever threatening news media. They are under an "influence". They think they are changing the world. They off track you with sensation. Don't budge. Find your own path and lay it and walk on it.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

We don't bother about US !

Now Biden's rise to become the 46th President of US doesn't bother an average Indian who is already facing enough in his own country. This news is just filling the media here.There is so much to worry about, the fallout due to Pandemic and the economic downslide. Only those who he leave for US to study should take note of it. Either they will be made happy or sad with the expected Visa regulations. But sure it's going to confuse the US bound flock and the those who are already there.

மழை என்னும் இயற்கை வரம்

 உறவுகள் உறங்காமல், கனவுகள் கலையாமல், நினைவுகள் கலங்காமல், சுமைகள் வலிக்காமல், மெல்லிய காற்று விரைந்து வர, மலர் மொட்டுகள் விரிந்து பார்க்க, ...